
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - January 2013


(Muhammad Bilal Naqshbandi, Chakwal)

I was young and engrossed in the worldly affairs. Always worried about business, just use to chat with friends, played cards, ate, drank and went off to sleep.

Once few old friends of mine came to me, they were wearing white clothes and had kept beards as per sunnah (practice of Prophet Muhammad SAW). They took me to a corner and made me understand the reality of this temporary life and the reality of everlasting life (life after death). I understood the fact. I got embarrassed on the life which I had led till now, I was ashamed of myself. It was time for Isha prayer. By the grace of Allah, I went to the mosque, did ablution and performed salah. I asked Allah for his forgiveness for my previous misdeeds and committed not to do them again. 

Beginning of Change

The direction of my life began to change. I studied various religious books. There was a mausoleum in a jungle close by and a spiritual person use to sit over there. I used to think that this guy is also like other professional people who mislead people. One day I went to see him in order to test him, what I saw was:-

Satisfaction of heart from the spiritual person

A lady came out of a room of the mausoleum and asked the spiritual person to ask the person buried in the mausoleum to get my son out of the jail he is in since 9 months. The spiritual person got angry and said that are you crazy? The person buried in the mausoleum cannot do anything and only Allah Almighty can get your son out of the jail. Therefore, whatever you wished, you only pray to the being (Allah) who possesses all the power. Like this, I got answer to one question which I had in my mind about the spiritual man. After sometime, few girls came to the mausoleum, I saw them and the spiritual man said that I am 70 years old but my heart is still young. I got the answer to my other question. In little time, I got the answers to all my questions and was satisfied. I started visiting this spiritual person and learned something about spirituality.

Once I asked this spiritual man to officially accept me as a follower but he said that I cannot do it. On my insistence, he said that if you want to be a follower, go to another highly spiritual person and told me his name. I said that his question is a great scholar whereas I am into spiritualism. The spiritual man told me with a lot of affection that you just go to this person as he is very affectionate. I became a follower of this scholar.

Guidance of Hazrat Abu BakarSiddique (R.A) in a dream

Once I was formally associated with my spiritual trainer, I joined my father’s business. My father was a worldly person and he did not like me performing the rituals like Salah, fasting etc. I left the business and started thinking what should I do. One night in a dream, I saw Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A) carrying cloth sheets on his shoulders and selling them in the streets of holy Madina (city of Prophet Muhammad SAW). I was relaxed in the morning and I started the business of cloth. In few days, Allah SW gave me astonishing success. I bought a shop in the village and employed few people. Business grew, I made a big wholesale shop of cloth in the city and employed 8-10 people (thank Allah).

After sometime the spiritual person died.Then in 2004, my spiritual teacher also departed this world. His pupils use to say that despite weakness and illness before the time of death when he wanted to go to the toilet, a pupil ignorantly tried to put the shoe in his left foot, he refused and pointed out towards the right foot, in the last moments also he did not leave Sunnah (practice of Muhammad SAW). In the early moments of next morning he recited the Kalma-e-Shahadat (there is no God but Allah and Prophet Muhammad SAW is a person and messenger of Allah) and left this temporary world with a smiling face to see his beloved Allah.




I had a big business of cloth in the city of Chakwal. I had 8 to10 employees. Gradually, I started suffering loss; I went under debt of Rs. 25 lacs. My health was ruined. Due to pain in vertebras, I was bed ridden. I started treatment from a famous spiritual healer of our town but despite the treatment for a long time, problems did not end. I tried another spiritual healer, he came to my house and recited some verses for 5 to 6 hours and gave me a lot of hand written verses but to no effect on black magic.




I was extremely disturbed. A friend of mine Mr. Hafiz who is in Spain. I saw him in a dream. In my dream I am riding a motorcycle and saw that two other friends are sitting with me and we are going to Lahore. We were going to the house of in laws of my friend in Lahore. I saw a 20 feet deep trench in front of their house filled with dirty black water. We stop over there. I ask Mr. Hafiz to show some other way. He says, there is no other way and we have to go also. I say that OK, let us proceed and we will see what happens




Our uncle had the booklet of “2 Anmol Khazana” (Booklet of Hazrat Sahib consisting of various Holy verses and a prayer) in his house. On the 2nd or 3rd day of my dream, my uncle sent this booklet to our house. After few days, my sister in law came and brought the monthly “Ubqari Magazine”.




Upon going through monthly Ubqari, I came to know that Hazrat Hakeem Sir treats bodily and spiritual ailments. We were also determined. Got an appointment on telephone and reached Hakeem Sir. We narrated all the above mentioned happenings to Hazrat Hakeem Sir and requested for his help. Hazrat sir prescribed our treatment.




Once we came back from Lahore, I saw a dream that somebody knocked the door. I saw a handsome young man with a box in his hand. He gives me this box and says that it is a present from people of Ubqari. I opened the box and saw that there were 45 lac rupees (USD 46,150 approx) in the box. I say that this is more than my requirement, I only need Rs. 22 lacs. The young man says this is all for you, keep it.




Hazrat Hakeem Sir told us that there is a 14 years old black magic on you and God willing it has been destroyed.




Hazrat Hakeem Sir said that human beings have their ropes and Jins have their own ropes. One kind of rope is made by Jins and these ropes are of steel. You were tied with these ropes.




I came again to visit Respected Hakeem Sir. He was loving and affectionate. My health started getting better. Problems started ending, I started paying my debt, business improved. With affection and prayers of Hazrat Hakeem Sir, Allah almighty relieved us from tough tests. Our house was prosperous again. Then when Hakeem Sir visited Chakwal, I formally accepted him as my spiritual guide alongwith my wife and children.




I got back whatever was lost, Allah again gave me the strength to offer Salah in the mosque. I did not miss any Salah since I formally accepted Hakeem Sir as my spiritual guide. I also regularly started Tahajjud (a Salah performed after midnight), I also regularly started various Holy recitations and with prayer of Hazrat Sir Allah gave me concentration in my prayers.




I was offering Tahajjud in mosque, I saw a hand of light, emitting rays of light coming towards my heart. My heart started absorbing these rays of light. I felt that my heart is filled up and thought that my heart will burst, upon this feeling the hand gradually withdrew and disappear. This has happened two times.




With the blessings of Hazrat Hakeem Sir, I saw the people who did magic, in my dream. They were the same people who had offered me loan during the crisis and whom I had refused.




Few days back when Hakeem Sir were about to visit Chakwal, I urgently needed Rs. 150,000. Early morning a friend of mine came to my shop and gave me exactly Rs. 1,50,000. He told me to keep it and use this money and return in installments of Rs. 2000 per day.




Our dear spiritual guide Hazrat Hakeem Sir had instructed us to recite 200 times the last two Surahs of Holy Quran in the morning and evening. Whenever I recite these Holy Surahs I feel that I am sitting on a top of hill and there is a beautiful pass ahead and almighty Allah himself is hearing my recitations. The elevated spiritual status which Allah has given to Hazrat Hakeem Sir, is beyond our imagination. 




(M.I.B Multan) 


Respected Hakeem Sir, Assalam-o-Alaikum. Due to learning of various spiritual techniques, I and my family was surrounded by problems. People jealous of us a lot of troubles. Parents were disturbed and had caused sick, we were tired of going to various spiritual healers. I thought I will learn the spirituality myself. Another reason was that I was going to Mozambeek (Africa) and my brother in law already there, told me that learning of spiritual techniques is a necessity in Africa. I was looking for a perfect spiritual teacher. Merciful Allah guided me towards Hakeem Noor Shah Sahib (student of respected Hakeen Tariq Mahmood Chughtai Sir) and this is how I reached Hazrat Hakeem Sir. Hazrat Sir gave me recitation of a verse of Holy Quran consisting of various Holy names of Almighty Allah (please mention the Arabic ayah in this bracket). I had to recite this verse 12.5 million times in 90 days. I could only recite this verse 1.5 million times in 90 days and still the benefits which I got are mentioned below:-


  1. 1.     With perpetual recitation of Holy names of Allah, I got such a pleasant spiritual feeling that this world seemed nothing as compared to this feeling. Flashy cars, lavish houses etc. seemed like useless human waste to me.
  2. 2.     Thanks Allah, I became more God fearing
  3. 3.     Gained concentration in Salah (Mandatory prayers)
  4. 4.     Realized the importance of time.
  5. 5.     Once you are spiritually linked with Allah, the taste is such that if you miss your recitation sometime, life seems to be useless, you start missing the spiritual feeling. One gets eager to do the recitation again. In this case, I asked forgiveness of Allah and merciful Allah again brings me to the recitation, Allah guides you towards the right path if you ask for his forgiveness.


I kept meeting Hazrat Sir off and on, used to attend the Dars (Gathering on every Thursday night). When I came to meet Hazrat Sir after 90 days, I was ready to go to Africa, I was upset as during 90 days I could not complete the required number of recitations and did not know when I could complete it as I was not busy during these 90 days whereas I was about to get busy from now on. I was confused because I thought that with spiritual recitations, Jins and other spiritual things would become my slaves as Hazrat sir had told me that this recitation is very powerful, but, I could not conquer any Jin or anything else. How come I was supposed to be a spiritual man?


Anyway, I slightly mentioned this but could not say it openly. However, when I was coming back Hakeem Sir made me understand that spiritualism is not about flying in the air and such things. He instructed me to read his books about spiritual acts. And told me that if any human being has some problem, I should try every legitimate spiritual act to resolve the problem and if, still the problem is not resolved then I should let go, as this problem or situation might be a test from Almighty Allah as he tested his Prophets too. I took his permission and came back and continued my recitation but I could not do much. Finally I reached Africa, my job over there was to teach Holy Quran in a religious school. Now, besides teaching I started my spiritual acts also and given below are my experiences:-




My method of spiritual diagnosis is that I take a used shirt of the grieved person. This shirt sometimes has been used for a day or 2-3 days. I recite Darood Sharif three times (holy recitation in honour of Prophet Muhammad SAW) Surah Fateha (First Surah of Quran) one time, Ayat ul Kursi three times, one time Surah Sua’faat from Ayah 1 to Ayah 11, one time Surah Tariq and three times each, the last four Surahs of Holy Quran and 24 times another holy recitation (Please mention recitation in Arabic over here). If the used shirt length increases, I start treatment of Jins etc. if the length of the shirt decreases then it is magic and if the length of shirt is unchanged, then I start treatment for physical ailment.


I instruct the patient to offer 5 times mandatory Salah, be God fearing and lead his life as per Islamic code of conduct (Shariat) like this Allah is pleased and all the problems are resolved when Allah so desires. I try that the faith gets stronger, I give written holy verses as well as give some holy verses for recitation after every mandatory prayer. Then I pray to Allah to resolve the problem and have mercy. We do not have any quality. May Almighty Allah show us all the straight path and end our problems also. Thank God I do all this for Allah’s sake and do not charge anything.

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